GOD Himself

Mark was a multi-millionaire. He was a CEO of 20+ companies (He never told me the exact number). I met him when I was a 14-year old kid who loved sharing God to others.

So Mark invited me to preach in his huge mansion. So there I was, standing in front of Mark and six of his friends---businessm en of equal wealth and stature. Can you imagine how I looked like at 14? I was a small, thin, ugly, peepsqueaky kid---dressed in a faded shirt and a pair of old brown sandals---nervously holding my Bible--- speaking in front of these millionaires. It was almost hilarious! Why would these bigwigs listen to a nobody?

But when I started telling them about God's love for them---simple stories that any grade schooler could understand-- -the fascinating thing happened: I saw these grown-up men listening intently. I realized they were desperately hungry for God. After my short talk, I led them in a prayer and a song, and I recall how Mark shed tears in front of his friends---and soon after, the others followed.

I can never forget that experience. It made me realize that no matter how old you are, or what state of life you're in---you've got a soul that needs to be fed daily. At the end of the day, your deepest and greatest need is God Himself.

By Bo Sanchez

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