Delight in One Another

Today's Scripture

“And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us…” (Ephesians 5:2 AMP).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Do you delight in those around you? Do you esteem and honor the people God has placed in your life? Sometimes it’s easy to take for granted your family and close friends, but it’s so important to honor and value those around us. You are God’s representative in the earth and when you proactively bless and encourage the people in your life, you are displaying God’s love for them. Not only are you showing God’s love to others, the Bible says that when you reach out to others, you are reaching out to God. You are also loving God Himself! Notice this verse doesn’t say, “Walk in love as long as everyone acts the way you want them to.” It doesn’t say, “Esteem others as long as they treat you right.” No, it simply says, “walk in love as Christ loved…” There are no conditions to God’s love, and there should be no conditions to our love for others. Make the choice to love others today. As you step out and walk in love, God promises to pour out His love and blessing on you in return!

A Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, help me to love others today the way You love me. Show me how to be a blessing to the people You have placed in my life. I choose to honor You by honoring others today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

From : Joel Osteen Ministries
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